Tag: Aluminum Single Hung Window

Perks of having Aluminum Single Hung Window

Are you looking for buying the Aluminum Single Hung Window?Learn aluminum windows’ advantages before investing in a particular window frame.


Compared with other window frames, aluminum windows can be significantly cheaper. For example, wooden frames, such as timber, are much more expensive and require much more maintenance than aluminum windows. A plastic frame such as uPVC can be less expensive than an aluminum frame. The downside to uPVC frames is that they degrade over time, making them more expensive in the long run.


The lifespan of aluminum windows can reach 30 years. In addition, aluminum’s superior resistance to the outside elements makes it less likely to warp or rot than other frames. It is also difficult to dent aluminum because of its high strength-to-weight ratio.


Additionally, aluminum windows are easy to maintain while also being durable. While some finishes require more care, a quick wipe-down every 2-4 months will help remove dirt and keep your windows looking their best.


Since aluminum is manufactured specifically, these windows can easily be tailored to your specifications while maintaining their inherent strength. In addition, many customization options are available, from glassing to finishes. It looks amazing with Curtain Wall Building and Glazed Balustrade.


When combined with a thermal break, aluminum windows can significantly improve heat gain and heat loss through windows by up to 60%, rivaling the performance of timber and uPVC windows.

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